Jul 19, 2024
B.C. government enhances road safety and services for Tahltan communities
The British Columbia Government has announced a $195 million investment in highway upgrades within Tahltan territory. This initiative, backed by the provincial and federal governments, aims to enhance road safety and access to services for First Nations and local communities. Improvements will focus on Highways 37, 37A, and 51, vital routes for remote areas.
Beverly Slater, president of the Tahltan Central Government, emphasized the importance of these upgrades, citing the community’s historical ties to mining and the need for safe travel and reliable infrastructure. The upgrades include widened shoulders, vehicle pullouts, and increased Wi-Fi access.
“We are improving transportation infrastructure to support the safe and efficient movement of people and goods in remote B.C. communities, improve access for industrial development, and support community resiliency and reconciliation with First Nations communities,” stated Rob Fleming, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure.

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