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Jun 13, 2023

Canadian workers feel happier in May

The ‘National Work Happiness Score’ for May is 6.7/10, representing an increase of 0.1 points from April 2023, which means that 44 per cent of workers in Canada feel satisfied with their current role and responsibilities, says ADP Canada in its monthly ‘Happiness@Work Index.’ As well, the Gen Z demographic is bouncing back from its lowest score to date in April. Gen Z located in Alberta, on the contrary, are showing the steepest month-over-month decrease in their scores. “The data for May is showing – for the most part – an upward trend across the board, which is promising to see as we head into the summer months and the second half of the year,” says Heather Haslam, vice-president of marketing, ADP Canada. “This time of year also presents an opportunity for employers to take a pulse on current employee satisfaction, which can be done through feedback surveys to better understand the needs of their employees and areas for improvement for the remainder of the year.” The top secondary indicators continue to be work-life balance and recognition. Despite compensation and benefits and options for career advancement showing the lowest levels of satisfaction across all secondary indicators, they have improved when compared to April.

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