Sep 15, 2023
Castle gets northwestern Ontario member
Nipigon, ON-based Maada'oozhgamig Castle Building Centre has joined Castle Building Centres Group. The full-service lumber, building materials and hardware business is a First Nation owned and operated building centre that was established to support the local consumers of northwestern Ontario and First Nation communities.
Owners Shawn Sobush and The Grossi Group purchased the existing retail store, which was part of a competing banner. After reviewing the proposed contract, the partners decided to join a group that was better aligned with their independent aspirations. As a result, they joined Castle. Their decision was influenced by the fact that Castle already had a significant presence and great reputation among First Nations communities across Canada. Castle’s offering was in line with their values and future goals, and they welcomed the opportunity be part of an already well-established First Nations partner.
An official grand opening is planned in the coming months.

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