May 19, 2023
Cleaning and mocktails top of mind for Canadians
With higher temperatures on the horizon, Canadians are ready to get back to hosting outside and they're looking for information on social media such as cleaning tips and cooking techniques to make outdoor entertaining a (spring and summer) breeze, says LG in its inaugural ‘Spring/Summer 2023 LG Trends Report.’ Cleaning is an important task at the start of a new season, especially for those who are getting ready to host that first warm weather gathering of the year. When it comes to patio furniture and décor, it's not just about making the space look great with new products, Canadians will need to launder items that have been stored over the winter and they're looking for a space-saving way to get the job done. Year over year, Pinterest searches for stackable washers and dryers increased by 2.4 times. Searches for ‘cleaning hacks’ on Pinterest have increased by 4.2 times year over year.

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