Aug 28, 2023
Home Depot launches new hub for homeowners
The Home Depot has announced that it has launched a new Homeowners Hub to enable first-time homeowners to easily access resources in home construction, including DIY guides, product recommendations, and design inspiration among others.
Research from the retailer found that more than half of Millennials (53%) reported being worried about purchasing their first home as well as starting a family (57%) and about their career advancement (52%). The Millennials also reported that home maintenance (74%) and home improvement projects (68%) are the most stressful aspects of having their own home.
More than half of Millennials and GenZers turn to YouTube or other online videos to learn how to tackle DIY projects instead of learning from a parent, a relative, or a friend. 90% of Millennials and GenZers also said having access to a centralized resource that provides guidance for first-time homeowners would be helpful.
The online hub was created to bring Home Depot’s expertise to customers at no cost. The users could access virtual workshops and step-by-step guidance, and they can find options to livestream content or view them on demand.
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