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Feb 26, 2024

KCMA offers infographic on cabinet sustainability approach

The Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association (KCMA) has published an infographic that explains how the Environmental Stewardship Program (ESP) compares to other certification programs and shows its comprehensive approach to achieving sustainability in both the environment and the communities served by cabinet manufacturers.

“This handy reference spells out exactly what remodelers should be looking for in the cabinets they specify and install,” says KCMA CEO Betsy Natz. “The infographic helps raise awareness about the importance of sustainability in design, educating remodelers and their customers about practical differences between such programs as they integrate sustainable practices into their work. It’s not only a great reference; it can serve as a key selling tool with their customers on their commitment to sustainability.”

The KCMA infographic is divided into seven key categories, with an explanation of the requirements of each category in easy-to-read language. The categories are: General Information, Air Quality and Pollution Prevention, Resource Sustainability, Waste Minimization, Environmental Stewardship, Community Relations, and Green Building Requirements.

By detailing examples of the categories of sustainability, the infographic inspires remodelers with ideas and approaches to incorporate sustainability into their specifications. Using a checklist, the infographic offers practical guidance and serves as a resource to help remodelers navigate the complexities of sustainable design.

For more information or to download the infographic, visit Designer’s Guide to Cabinet Environmental Stewardship on the KCMA website.

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