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Sep 19, 2022

Pandemic Home Buyers Have No Regrets

Canadians that bought a home during the pandemic do not regret their choices and most are happy with their purchase, says a survey by Zolo, a real estate marketplace. The survey says that the last few months have been tough for homeowners, with the prices of properties falling, especially in Ontario. However, 84 per cent of Canadians who bought during the pandemic are happy with their purchase today. Those that moved a fair distance are also content. Ninety-one per cent of Canadians who purchased homes in a different province are happy with their homes and 85 per cent of homebuyers who relocated over 100 kilometres from their previous residence are happy with their buying decisions. Additionally, pandemic buyers who made concessions during the buying process were satisfied with their homes. Fifty-eight per cent of pandemic homebuyers who waived financing and inspections are happy with their home while 84 per cent of homebuyers who paid above list price are content with their decision. Sixty-three per cent even say they would still be happy in their home if the real estate market dropped significantly.

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