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Jan 3, 2023

Report Reveals Growing Industry Sector

Zero energy (ZE) home projects grew 190 per cent in 2021, says the Energy & Environmental Building Alliance (EEBA). Its ‘Seventh EEBA Inventory of Zero Energy (ZE) Homes’ tracks ZE single and multifamily home trends across the U.S. and Canada. All projects are zero-energy ready/capable (ZER/C) and above, with most projects now listed in the inventory as net zero or net positive. This latest report shows 190 per cent in growth in total projects over the previous year as well as 440 per cent growth in single family houses. "Maintaining the inventory is important because it sheds light on North American ZE growth patterns, high-performance technologies used, top rating systems, as well as the major players who are adopting ZE design and construction as a profitable business model," says Aaron Smith, chief executive officer of EEBA. The need for ZE housing is clear. “U.S. homes consume approximately 21 per cent of the total energy used annually. As for carbon emissions, the average home releases 70 per cent more CO2 into the environment than a typical car or about 17,320 pounds yearly. This makes reducing home energy demand to net zero economically, socially, and environmentally critical.” In the past, the multifamily sector led the pack. However, in the 2022 report, single family homes make up the majority for the first time.

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