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Oct 24, 2022

Stable Growth Forecast For Battery-powered Lawn Mowers

The global powered lawn mowers market is anticipated to reach US$1,366 million in 2022 and expected to reach $2,155 million by 2032, growing at a stable compound annual growth rate of 4.7 per cent, says data from Future Market Insights. Higher sales of the low-noise blades of electric-powered lawn mowers combined with growing fuel prices are leading to the growth of battery-powered lawn mowers. In addition, various environmental concerns are propelling the demand for battery-powered lawn mowers to a considerable extent. They also require less storage space, lower maintenance costs, and don’t require a pull cord start. Features such as battery indicators, which tell the operator what amount of power is left in the machine, are also expected to boost market growth. Furthermore, several prominent companies are focusing on launching new products with advanced technologies such as models with artificial intelligence (AI) and remote operation.

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