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Jul 12, 2024

Walmart Canada launches sensory-friendly shopping hours nationwide

Walmart Canada has announced the implementation of sensory-friendly hours in its 403 stores nationwide. These hours are designed to cater to individuals who experience sensory overload, creating a less stimulating shopping environment. 


From store opening until 10 a.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, the retail giant will reduce potential sensory stimuli. During these times, music and radio advertisements will be silenced, and announcements will be limited to emergencies. Additionally, only static, low-sensory images will be displayed on TV walls.


Sensory Friendly Solutions reports that about 33% of people experience sensory sensitivity, which can be triggered by intense visual and auditory stimuli. Christel Seeberger, CEO of Sensory Friendly Solutions, highlighted the significance of this initiative in promoting accessibility and inclusivity. Customers have welcomed the change, noting it provides a more comfortable shopping experience for those with sensory sensitivities.

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