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Jul 29, 2024

Wood’s Homes to expand with $450,000 funding

Wood’s Homes, a mental health center for children, young people, adults, and families, has received $450,000 from PETRONAS Canada for their Through it ALL campaign. The funding will be used to build new facilities, replace outdated infrastructure, and add a new building.


This fall, Wood’s Homes Parkdale campus will complete a new building, adding 10 beds. A multi-year project will then replace four buildings on the Bowness campus, increasing capacity by 28 percent and creating spaces for Indigenous gatherings and ceremonies.


"This gift from PETRONAS Canada means we'll be able to bring our facilities up to 21st century levels of support, safety, and efficiency so children and young people can grow, heal, and thrive in their communities,” says Bjorn Johanssen, CEO of Wood’s Homes.

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